Q Why there is an amount gap between my setting and actual trading history?
A If the accounting unit of your setting is in JPY, the trade amount will be calculated up to the maximum decimal digits(4) of cryptocurrency, purchase will be finished by the amount which is nearest to your setting.
Then a fraction may happen.
Example: in the case of "10000 yen purchase setting, 0.001 BTC=990 yen", the actual purchase amount will be 9900 yen = 0.01BTC
Q How will it be if I have no enough balance for the functioning regular purchase?
A The purchase will not carry out for single time if balance is not enough.
If the setting is still in function, and balance goes up to be enough for next purchase, the next purchase will be carried out according to the setting.
Q How to suspend or delete regular purchase?
A You could suspend or delete the setting by simply clicking the button.
We could also help to handle with it after receiving your inquiry.
Q Can I set multiple regular purchases for 1 type of cryptocurrency?
A Only 1 regular purchase setting is available for each cryptocurrency.
Please edit the current or create a new setting after deleting the current one.
Q Is there any time limit about changing the setting?
A Except of "0:00 of the day before the set purchase date ~ purchase completed",
you could change the setting at all other time.
From the next payment, purchase will be finished under the changed conditions.
Q Monthly limit is small for me, is it possible to increase the limit amount?
A Please contact us. We may check related information to decide if your limit amount could be increased.
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