As each kind of cryptocurrency trading procedures are similar, we will show you the transaction procedure by taking "BTC purchase" as an example.
① Login
② Click "JPY TRADE"
③ Select the type of cryptocurrency you want to purchase
④ Choose either limit buy or market buy
<Case of limit buy>
【Limit buy】Purchase method of ordering with specifying price.The order will not be established unless it falls below the price specified.
(1) The order rate specifies the price you want to purchase
(2) Adjust the percentage you want to purchase according to the Japanese yen in your account
(3) Specify the quantity of cryptocurrency you want to buy
※ either (2) or (3) is OK
(4) Click "Buy"
<Case of market buy>
【Market buy】Purchase method to place an order without specifying a price.At that time, trading is established with the person who was ordering cheapest.There is a possibility of risk that trading may be established at unforeseen unfavorable price due to market price fluctuation.
(1) Adjust the percentage you want to purchase according to the Japanese yen in your account
(2) Enter the amount you would like to purchase according to the Japanese yen in your account
(3) Click "Buy"
※ either (1) or (2) is OK
【Additional Important Point of Procedure】
【For mobile phone】
For order from mobile phone (WAP&APP), only “limit buy” is available.
Please note the following points when entering your order rate:
- To set the indication price as the limit price, it will be automatically reflected by tapping the indication area (red circle in the figure).
- For the case of entering your own limit price, after entering the order rate, the limit price will be automatically replaced by the indication price if tap the indication area (red circle in the figure). If you do not want to use the indication price, do NOT tap the indication area (red circle in the figure) even if you want to close the keypad.
Please note that if you want to close the keypad, you need to tap other area except the indication area (red circle in the figure).
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